
Hawaiian-born artist Kawehi is a Fuse TV selected artist and one of Music Connection Mag’s “Hot 100 Unsigned Artist.” Manned by her guitar, ‘uke and Boss RC-30 Looping station, Kawehi creates her own band with beatboxing, guitar/bass loops and background vocals – all live.

Her video was selected as a “Staff Pick” on Vimeo, the Kickstarter project for her third EP (currently in the works) was funded more than 900 percent, and magazine features were praising her as “killer,” “unbelievable,” and from Courtney Love via Twitter, “genius.” Her Facebook fan base increased by thousands. Kawehi’s handling all of the attention with grace and humility.

Fresh out of high school in Hawaii, she auditioned for a band and moved out to Los Angeles after getting the job. Kawehi moved to Eudora last June after parting ways with the band, learning that it wasn’t the lifestyle or type of music career she had in mind. She is currently renting an apartment in Lawrence with her husband, while the Black Lodge recording studio is being renovated. Having started as a musician performing acoustic sets, she grew tired of the monotony, especially after seeing so many talented musicians on an East Coast tour.

Kawehi is touring in different countries at the moment.