One of the most recognized comedians in the business, Jim Breuer was recently named one of Comedy Central’s “100 Greatest Stand-Ups of All Time.” Currently on tour with his highly successful Heavy Metal Family Man comedy show, Breuer can also be heard weekly on his Sirius/XM Radio show “Fridays with Breuer.” He also just wrapped production on his new one-hour comedy special “Mid Life Madness,” slated to premiere early next year.
Breuer’s big break came when he joined “Saturday Night Live” in 1995 for four seasons, quickly becoming a fan-favorite for his original character Goat Boy and dead-on Joe Pesci impressions. He went on to star opposite Dave Chappelle in the cult favorite “Half Baked,” and has made memorable appearances in numerous other films including “Zookeeper” “Dick,” “Titan A.E.” and “Beer League,” among others. Breuer’s television credits include hosting MTV’s popular “Beach House” and VH1’s “Web Junk 20,” his 2009 one-hour special “Let’s Clear the Air” on Comedy Central, as well as numerous appearances on “Late Night with Conan OBrien,” “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart,” “The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson,” “Jimmy Kimmel Live” and “The Marriage Ref.”
Breuer’s 2008 Breuniversity Tour was chronicled to create “The Jim Breuer Road Journals,” which also inspired his “More Than Me” documentary that premiered at the 2009 Montreal Film Festival. In 2011, Breuer joined Dave Attell, Bill Burr and Jim Norton for the highly-successful national comedy tour, “The Anti-Social Network.”
Breuer’s acclaimed autobiography, “I’m Not High: (But I’ve Got a Lot of Crazy Stories about Life as a Goat Boy, a Dad, and a Spiritual Warrior),” was released in 2010.